Tax The Ultra-Rich Now! | Battle Born Progress


Tax The Ultra-Rich Now!

Tell Congress to Act and Tax Billionaires!

The wealthiest people in our country keep getting richer while working families struggle to make ends meet and the gap between the ultra-rich and the rest of us grows. The nation’s 740 billionaires now control more wealth than the 65 million households that make up the bottom half of our economy. They use that wealth to buy off politicians and keep the system rigged in their favor while paying lower tax rates than firefighters, teachers, or nurses. 

Congress must fix this unfair tax system and make the ultra-rich follow the same rules as the rest of us by: 
  1. Ending tax loopholes that allow the ultra-wealthy to avoid taxes and hoard their wealth over generations.
  2. Raising taxes on the richest people in the United States through policies that make the millionaires, billionaires and ultra-rich pay what they owe.
Do you support raising taxes on the ultra-wealthy and large corporations? Sign this petition today to tell Congress to #TaxTheUltraRich now! 

Nevada’s 16 Billionaires increased their wealth by $33 billion while everyday Nevadans struggled to pay for their rent during the pandemic. Passage of Billionaires Income Tax could deliver nearly $350 million a year to Nevada if distributed like current federal grants!

Paid for by Battle Born Progress.

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